Reading Diary: January 2022

Recently I’ve been exploring the role and function of book blogging and how I want to fit into it. For a while I’ve just reviewed each book I read individually, and I think for me that format was getting a little stale, and I wasn’t sure how appealing it actually was to readers - especially… Continue reading Reading Diary: January 2022

Five books that changed the way I read

Some books you read, and then you just sort of forget; they don't make any difference in your life. Some you think about for a while after, but then they fade from your memory and you move on to the next thing. But there are some books that just get their hooks into you and… Continue reading Five books that changed the way I read

House of Glass by Hadley Freeman (2020)

Let me preface this review by saying that I have not written a book review, or any blog post, for months now so please bear with me... in June I went back to work after maternity leave, but due to lockdown my little one's nursery was not open at the time and so my husband… Continue reading House of Glass by Hadley Freeman (2020)

Catching up on reviews…

I don't often do multiple reviews in one post, but, as I mentioned here, I am a bit behind with reviews, including a couple of books I read several months ago, so this time around it's easier to put a few together in one post. Let me know what you think! Little by Edward Carey… Continue reading Catching up on reviews…

Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin (2016)

I first read Shirley Jackson a few years ago, and saw this biography advertised shortly after - and immediately wanted to read it. Even before I'd read Jackson's work I was intrigued by her and her life, and of course a biography is the perfect way to explore that. If you've ever read any of… Continue reading Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life by Ruth Franklin (2016)

Half-year review: best books of 2018 so far!

I'm back! As you may have seen on my Instagram, I was recently on holiday (again) and so everything was a bit quiet... but I'm now back and ready to get back into blogging. I am right at the end of Emma by Jane Austen, so I will be writing about that soon, as well… Continue reading Half-year review: best books of 2018 so far!

Jane Austen at Home by Lucy Worsley (2017)

I bought my copy of Jane Austen at Home while on holiday in Devon, when I ran out of reading material (first time in my life that I only packed one book, silly me). I ended up reading it mostly after the holiday, but starting it in picturesque Devon only added to my joy at… Continue reading Jane Austen at Home by Lucy Worsley (2017)

Joan: The Remarkable Life of Joan Leigh Fermor by Simon Fenwick (2017)

I honestly didn’t know much about Joan Leigh Fermor when I asked for this book for Christmas last year, but I knew a little about her travel writer husband Paddy,  and the blurb intrigued me. I decided to take the book in holiday with me to Devon, where I read it in two days, mostly… Continue reading Joan: The Remarkable Life of Joan Leigh Fermor by Simon Fenwick (2017)

The Bridesmaid’s Daughter by Nyna Giles (2018)

I discovered this book through the wonder that is GoodReads recommendations, which are surprisingly good at times. I have found a number of unknown-to-me books this way that I ended up loving. I've been on a non-fiction kick recently, and have always loved reading unusual or off-beat memoirs, especially by women. The Bridesmaid's Daughter has… Continue reading The Bridesmaid’s Daughter by Nyna Giles (2018)

WWW Wednesday, 19th April 2017

I'm sure you have now heard about WWW Wednesday (even I know about it), but to recap, this is what it entails - you must post about three books: What you most recently finished reading What you are currently reading What you will read next Here are mine! What I recently finished reading: Young and… Continue reading WWW Wednesday, 19th April 2017