A little update – taking a break from blogging

This year I have been trying out new types of blog posts, namely the monthly reading diary and then a post in the middle. I haven’t posted an individual book review since early December. For me I felt that reviewing each book I read in separate posts put too much pressure on me, and on… Continue reading A little update – taking a break from blogging

Five books that changed the way I read

Some books you read, and then you just sort of forget; they don't make any difference in your life. Some you think about for a while after, but then they fade from your memory and you move on to the next thing. But there are some books that just get their hooks into you and… Continue reading Five books that changed the way I read

New year, new books… and more

So, somehow, it's now 2022. Today feels like the actual start of the new year because it's the first day I'm back in my usual weekly routine with my husband at work and my son at nursery, and I'm alone in the house (with the dog) for the first time in like three weeks. And… Continue reading New year, new books… and more

The Peters Fraser And Dunlop/Sunday Times Young Writer Of The Year Award – Shortlist Reveal!

As I ~may~ have mentioned, I am on the shadow panel for this year's Young Writer of the Year Award - and today the shortlist has been announced! Here they are: Kings of the Yukon: An Alaskan River Journey by Adam Weymouth (Particular Books) Kings of the Yukon is about Adam Weymouth's journey in a… Continue reading The Peters Fraser And Dunlop/Sunday Times Young Writer Of The Year Award – Shortlist Reveal!

Announcement! Young Writer of the Year 2018

Happy Wednesday dear readers! I am very pleased to announce that this year I am part of the Shadow Panel for the Young Writer of the Year Award. Along with four other book bloggers, I will be reading the books on the shortlist for the award and choosing a Shadow winner. They all look fascinating… Continue reading Announcement! Young Writer of the Year 2018

Things I Think I Could Write a Book About

I recently tweeted about this - apologies to any of my followers for the repetition here. It's just that I have often, in my life, thought about writing a book. I used to want to write a novel, and actually managed to write one in my late teens, though I fear it is just over-emotional… Continue reading Things I Think I Could Write a Book About

I’m Still Here

I realise it has been a bit quiet around here of late. As per my last post I am still reading The Amazons by Adrienne Mayor, which is taking me longer to read than I expected, and is the principle reason I haven't posted reviews since my late January round up. It's funny when you're… Continue reading I’m Still Here

Things I’m reading that aren’t books

I read a lot of books, but I also read a lot of other stuff that doesn't require quite so much concentration and/or time. A lot of this is book reviews and blog posts, but it varies. Here is what I have been reading recently: Fern Riddell's article on History Today - Sanitising the Suffragettes:… Continue reading Things I’m reading that aren’t books

On Being Stuck

I am in a sort of reading quandry, and it's why I haven't posted in a while. If you've looked at my GoodReads recently (though honestly why would you) you'll see that I am 'currently reading' two books - something I never do. I started Simone de Beauvoir's Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter back at… Continue reading On Being Stuck

Back soon!

Hello dear readers, you may have notice that there have not been any new posts here for a while - and I must apologise for that. Getting married took over my life, and I have just returned from our two-week honeymoon - and life hasn't got any less busy! I am still reading away, and… Continue reading Back soon!