Five books that changed the way I read

Some books you read, and then you just sort of forget; they don't make any difference in your life. Some you think about for a while after, but then they fade from your memory and you move on to the next thing. But there are some books that just get their hooks into you and… Continue reading Five books that changed the way I read

New year, new books… and more

So, somehow, it's now 2022. Today feels like the actual start of the new year because it's the first day I'm back in my usual weekly routine with my husband at work and my son at nursery, and I'm alone in the house (with the dog) for the first time in like three weeks. And… Continue reading New year, new books… and more

Conversations with Friends (2017) by Sally Rooney

I’m probably the last book blogger (at least in the UK, who likes this sort of thing, etc…) to read this book. The hype around Sally Rooney has been quite something, and I often have mixed feelings about hype. Often with “popular” novelists, especially female ones, I find that the novels that get the most… Continue reading Conversations with Friends (2017) by Sally Rooney

An update – May 2019

Hello dear readers! As I mentioned in my first post of the year, I'm pregnant and this is taking up pretty much all of my time and energy at the moment, so I've haven't posted since March... but I am going on maternity leave at the end of May so I will have some time… Continue reading An update – May 2019

Back again for 2019!

Hello dear readers! As you may have noticed, I have been very quiet on here recently, but I am glad to say that I am now back for 2019. My last posts in November 2018 were about the Young Writer of the Year Award, for which I was on the shadow panel. I kept meaning… Continue reading Back again for 2019!

The Haunting of Hill House (2018) on Netflix

Regular readers will know that I love the work of Shirley Jackson. In 2015 I read and loved her novel The Haunting of Hill House, so I was very intrigued when I heard that there would be a Netflix series based on it. It's been adapted into a film before, in 1963 and 1999, so… Continue reading The Haunting of Hill House (2018) on Netflix

hello september! an update

i was going to write and publish a book review today, but i realised it wasn't really what i wanted to post right now. i know this is a book blog, but for me it's also very personal. it is my life in books. books are right at the heart of me. but recently books… Continue reading hello september! an update

Things I’m reading that aren’t books

I read a lot of books, but I also read a lot of other stuff that doesn't require quite so much concentration and/or time. A lot of this is book reviews and blog posts, but it varies. Here is what I have been reading recently: Fern Riddell's article on History Today - Sanitising the Suffragettes:… Continue reading Things I’m reading that aren’t books

An Update

Hello dear readers - as you may have noticed, the blog has been rather quiet of late. I had a total reading slump leading up to Christmas, though I did manage to finish one book at the end of December (Miss Jane by Brad Watson) which I will review at some point. I'm currently reading… Continue reading An Update