Half-year review: best books of 2018 so far!

I'm back! As you may have seen on my Instagram, I was recently on holiday (again) and so everything was a bit quiet... but I'm now back and ready to get back into blogging. I am right at the end of Emma by Jane Austen, so I will be writing about that soon, as well… Continue reading Half-year review: best books of 2018 so far!

Looking back on the books of 2016

This is another overdue blog post, but one that I've really been looking forward to writing. I read 31 books in 2016, of varying quality, but overall it was a good reading year. I tried to branch out, accepting a total of eight review copies from publishers - which is a lot for me these… Continue reading Looking back on the books of 2016

A little update!

Hello dear readers! My apologies for my absence. Life has been a wee bit crazy in the last month or so, but we have finally moved into our new house and things are evening out... I actually have the time to sit down and write a blog post! Yay! I'm sitting at the dining table… Continue reading A little update!

Oh is it Christmas?

Hello all just a quick note to say Merry Christmas! I've been a bit off grid as I was away in Copenhagen until Christmas Eve and this is the first moment I have had to myself since then! Not that I'm complaining, we have had a lovely Christmas. I recently finished After You'd Gone by… Continue reading Oh is it Christmas?

Hello again!

As you may have noticed I've been a bit absent of late, having left blogging to the side to make way for the business of Christmas, and time at home with family. I'm still in that phase of the year, but have been seeing some great posts from my fellow bloggers and felt the urge… Continue reading Hello again!