An Update (That Inevitably Includes ASOIAF)

How is your GoodReads challenge going this year? Mine is not going well. I’ve read three books and am apparently five books behind schedule. You know why? A Song of Ice and Fire. I’ve been reading A Clash of Kings for what feels like a year, and I’m only just over halfway through. There was a point where it all started to feel a bit… long. I found myself wanting to hurry up and get to the end of the book so that I could move on. This was partly because I have seen a version of what I am reading in the TV adaptation, Game of Thrones. There are a lot of differences between the books and the TV show, which means that there is a lot that is new to me – but I know where a lot of it is heading. I read a scene, no matter how good, and go ‘oh yes, this is where he…’ I know what is coming (mostly).

So I have some doubts about continuing, about reading the entire series. But there is the question of now that I’ve started, I want to finish. And the books are much richer than the TV show, which is great, so I do really enjoy the books. I’ve also made a deal with my boyfriend, who has read the entire series and is eagerly waiting for me to do so, that every other book I read will be ASOIAF… admittedly it was made on a night out, but I do plan to stand by it.

So I won’t be posting any reviews until I’ve at least finished A Clash of Kings – but does anyone really need to read another review of it? I’ll post my thoughts on GoodReads, briefly, but I’m not sure I’ll write a whole review. I’ve just got to plan what to read next!! I have committed to doing TBR20, so I’ve got a relatively small selection to choose from… but that won’t make it any easier!

4 thoughts on “An Update (That Inevitably Includes ASOIAF)”

  1. Ah, ASOIAF. I read the first two books before watching the seasons 1&2 of the TV adaptation, and it worked fine (albeit I was confused when the adaptation started to change things up a bit). However, I made the mistake of watching the third season before reading the book, and now I’m stuck. I tried reading the third, but got about 200 pages in before quitting. Because I know what’s going to happen, I’m not as excited as I was with the first books. I still hope to continue with the series, but it’ll take some time before I’m ready to do so.


  2. Sounds to me like you need to pick up another book on the go, I do that sometimes when a book is not luring me to want to read it. I had a very productive reading Jan and Feb and have only read half a book in March, due to the school holidays, which of course aren’t a holiday for me at all!

    Bonne Continuation!


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